
I had the opportunity to attend Fanny Aymer’s lecture on the theme “I am committed” as part of my course at My Talent Academy in Luxembourg. She spoke about how the choir director engages a group in the service of a common work. I found this talk very enriching and interesting. We discovered her musical background and her passionate talent.


Student at My Talent Academy

When I met Fanny during choral conducting courses, I immediately felt that her personality and her rich musical background gave her a great advantage as a choral conductor. Fanny is a conductor who knows how to achieve excellence in a group without ever losing her friendly, communicative and unifying enthusiasm. It is for these reasons that she and I have worked together with several choirs that I conduct, including the choir at the Orange company headquarters.

Christine Rigaud

Lyric artist and choirmaster

I had a lot of fun singing under Fanny’s conducting. I especially appreciated her ability to share her enthusiasm for music. She always knew how to create a positive and warm atmosphere within the choir. Thanks to her charisma and high standards, we were able to perform concerts of which we were very proud!

Claire Huchet

Terpsichore Choir

I got to know Fanny Aymer well at Orange and I was able to appreciate her warm, natural and simple authority. Fanny has a strong sense of ‘choral management’, it seems to be a natural part of her!  With gentleness and a smile, she knows how to move the choir forward. She remains calm, which is very much appreciated. Her double knowledge of both music (she plays the piano brilliantly) and the business world has brought a lot to our choir at Orange.

Olivier Froehlicher

Lawyer and tenor in the Orange choir

Fanny has that wonderful quality of being both serious and making us laugh! She has managed to weld our group together and has always been very attentive to our suggestions and attentive with each one of us to make us learn our voices. And for the songs, there was something for everyone. I have some happy memories of our concerts.

Sixtine Mugnier

Terpsichore Choir

Fanny is a passionate, very professional and charismatic choir conductor. She knows how to unite the whole choir around a common project. Through her great dynamism, her communicative joy for the music and work well done, her sense of listening, she motivates everyone to give the best for the greatest benefit of all. Her great skills in musicality and her acute artistic sense enable her to achieve a very accomplished and high quality result.

Jean-François Berruyer

Terpsichore Choir

The choir creates a bond that is very different from other leisure activities (sport or visits to museums). My colleagues have become choir mates. When the voices unite and come into harmony, we look at each other amazed at what beautiful things we have produced together. We are making and sharing music, and it’s an incomparable feeling.

Thanks to Fanny’s rigorous work and her goodwill, a framework is established within which everyone can move forward – with or without any notion of music theory – learning to listen to others and to tune into the ensemble.


The choir has become an indispensable break in my working week. It’s a relaxed, fun and friendly way of getting together where you learn to listen to yourself and to others. I love the dynamism and passion with which Fanny leads the classes, and I appreciate that they are adapted to all levels. In short, it’s a great experience for body and mind!

Thank you, Fanny, for your contagious joy and your professionalism. Thank you to my dear colleagues. How precious this shared hour is!

Banque de Luxembourg

Fanny has a passionate, open and very pedagogical spirit that allows her to experience music from the inside. She knows how to make the musical language accessible to all and make people discover the richness of this universe in all its dimensions: historical, aesthetic and human. I have had an exciting experience that dispels apprehensions, touches hearts and opens up endless horizons.

Guided concerts at the Management Institute of Paris

It’s fun, it’s relaxing, it’s distressing, it’s colourful and in different languages.
You discover new abilities you have inside & most important you get a better sleep.
It’s a natural medication for a better and healthier sleep!
Fanny is a sparkling and benevolent person.


Silversquare choir

Thank you so much for these wonderful moments of sharing and good humour that you offer us through the choir. It’s always a real pleasure for me to take part.
Caroline C.

Luxembourg Accueil choir

I will always remember the day I did my first vocal exercises with Fanny. I had a sun in front of me, inviting me to come out of myself. When Fanny told me that my voice was just right, my self-confidence was at the top!
Caroline F.

Luxembourg Accueil choir

I had the opportunity to attend Fanny Aymer’s lecture on the theme “I am committed” as part of my course at My Talent Academy in Luxembourg. She spoke about how the choir director engages a group in the service of a common work. I found this talk very enriching and interesting. We discovered her musical background and her passionate talent.

Conference at My Talent Academy